Required Equipment: 5-10 lb. Dumbbells, Yoga/Workout Mat, Light To Medium Tension Resistance Band (Buy On Amazon)

Only 1 round of the warmup exercises. Don’t round the lower back on body swings:

    1. Knee Hugs 10-20 reps
    2. Body Swings 10-20 reps
    3. Body Swings Elbow Touch 10-20

2 rounds of each combination:

  1. Side Shuffle Squats 10 reps
  2. Salute Reach Planks-10
  3. Glute Thrusters-10 reps

REST 2 Minutes

  1. 1 Leg DB Side Raise 10+10 reps left and right
  2. Hot Potato Squat 20 reps
  3. Lunge DB Diagonal Reach 5+5 reps left and right
  4. Side Plank Reach 5+5 reps left and right

REST 2 Minutes

Resistance Band 2-3 rounds

  1. Core Stability Band Reachout 10+10 reps left and right
  2. Tricep Dips 10 reps
  3. 1 Arm Band Pull 10+10 reps
  1. 1  Leg Bent Over Row 5+5 reps left and right
  2. Alternating Dumbbell Raise 10-20 reps
  3. Hammer Bicep Curls 20 reps

2 rounds of the abdominal exercises:

  1. Elbow Plank Side Touch 10-20 reps
  2. Plank Dumbbell Mover 10-20 reps
  3. Scissor Kicks-10-20


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All fitness levels and goals welcomed…

“You can have results or excuses, not both.”  Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Abs and Back Definition

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